Grand Haven CERT Meeting -- July 11, 2018

Mike Wright • Jul 16, 2018

With a number of new members, we began the meeting by having each person make a personal introduction with name and short background.

We discussed the upcoming Sept CERT Training with dates, location and helpful hints (like take your own computer or tablet for tests) and the need for members who have taken all the training in the recent past to attend the Sat. Exercise to complete the certification.

We discussed Mike Frichol’s report about the new web site and we did a brief view on screen. The Field operations section was the only one not recently revised. Chip aske all members to review the site (except Field Operations) and send him information if something appears to need further correction.

Chip gave a brief update on the new radio set up and Steven Davidson later went through the current efforts latter in the meeting. We will test radio reception at 1PM (outside) before the August 8 Meeting. An e-mail reminder will be sent. We also discussed PAR checks being initiated every 30 minutes from the EOC and reminded members to report serious problems they observe while in the field by radio.

We discussed room set up as an EOC, (and who has Keys), how notification to assemble can be made (we need to update the call roster process), and went through details of Desks 1, 2, & 3. We reviewed each process and contents of the instructions and forms for each desk and agreed upon changes and materials need. Desk 4 will be reviewed in the future. Following are our decisions:

Desk #1. Need new cards (new headings on back) and master list – Mike W

Retype instructions and add runner assignment - Chip

Desk #2. Retype instructions to include map posting, use of markers not dots, delete long posting sheet -Chip

Secure new maps (several options being investigated) and markers

Desk #3. Need new report forms – Kathleen

Purchase carbon paper

Retype instructions with key - Chip

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